Getting Philosophical with Nick Johnston


Getting Philosophical with Nick Johnston

Nick is from the UK, spent several years in Asia as a successful entrepreneur. He is an exceptional business leader and deep and caring individual. He now chairs and invests in several companies and lives with his family in the UK.

This Barefoot Lunch serves up:

  • Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning and how self-talk can expand or limit a person

  • We talk about his grandparents and moving back to the UK

  • The future of recruitment and his newest investments into the world of AI

  • Sexy Beast

  • Oinking pigs


Input & Output


Input & Output

The challenge is mixing and matching and thinking that input work is really output work. When I’m checking email, this is not output or generative work. In general, it won’t make the company money nor save the company money: it’s an activity where someone reaches out to me.


Going Deep House with Swanny Davis


Going Deep House with Swanny Davis

Swanny Davis is a DJ, electronic music Composer and Producer from Australia, who has been based in Tokyo, Japan for over 2 decades.

In this episode

  • Moving from Swanny’s corporate career to a musical career

  • I am a DJ, I am an entertainer. That means you need to think about your audience first and make sure that they have a good time otherwise you don’t keep them.

  • Swanny’s morning habits and work ethics

  • The business of music

  • How to make a better mix for your friends

  • Do you know what an atmospheric pad is?

  • Guidance to follow your passion

  • Work versus finding that muse

  • The importance of learning your craft

  • Focusing on process instead of outcome

  • The trap of perfectionism

  • 60,000 songs a day being uploaded to Spotify!

  • Surf skating

  • Swanny’s music for your next BBQ?





Q. In the corporate world who has the potential to make the most money?

A. Sales people.

If you are in sales, and everyone is in sales, then you need to harness your discipline to become the best. Here are 7 things, if done with discipline, will immediately improve your performance.









#Commonplace Book


#Commonplace Book

A Commonplace Book originated from categorizing and taking down notes from what one reads, capturing quotes, images, and ideas. In contrast to a journal which is chronological, a Commonplace Book is categorical. John Locke wrote a book on how to keep a Commonplace Book, and writers like John Milton and Virginia Woolf organized their thoughts into such notebooks. Harvard has photographed Commonplaces dating back from the 16th century and in a variety of languages. Wikipedia describes Commonplace books, or commonplaces as,


7 Leadership Lessons 


7 Leadership Lessons 

As a leader, you must demand the most of your people to achieve the best for your team. Expect excellence. If you demand it for yourself, make sure that you demand it from others.


Create a Flourishing Group Around You

Create a Flourishing Group Around You

The people around you affect your life.  It’s you’re job to select the best people who will make you creative, boost your confidence, give you honest feedback, and help build you into a better person. Of course, science is proving this now with obesity and smokers and that people can drag you down. But looking even broader at the flowering communities in history, you can pinpoint it to specific centers, such as in the 1400s of in Italy, especially around the Medici of Florence and Federico da Montefeltro in Urbino. Also, in the 1500’s around Weimar and the massive personality of Goethe as well as his circle of Schiller, Herder, Wieland and Bertuch. And in the small town of Concord in New England in the 1800s where Emerson was widely known and respected along with other luminaries such as Thoreau, Prescott, Hawthorne, Dickinson, Quincy Adams, and Webster to name a few. And I’m sure you can also name your own circles historically or in your own life from school and work where people just flourished together.

Take one small action...


Take one small action...

It’s easy to think that our education was to blame or that we are stuck in a job. Accept your schooling. Work well in your career. And from time to time at lunch, slip your shoes off, dream, explore your desires, and take a small action into your dreams.


Add some stoicism to your life


Add some stoicism to your life

So much of our life is bombarded by outside forces: social media, television, emails, pop-up windows, news, and a plethora of other signals shouting at us to take action. If you want a barefoot lunch, it behooves you to take a moment and contemplate the world in a different way. The stoics presented an empowering, engaging, and enduring philosophy that continues inspire us to this day. Try on a few of the quotes, read some of the writings, and take the action steps below to give the philosophy a test drive.


A Piece Of Work


A Piece Of Work

Homo sapiens have been able to adapt, change, move across the globe, live and thrive in different climates, create more and sophisticated tools, build roads, buildings, bridges, skyscrapers, rockets to the moon, and stations in space. They have created systems that have helped defeat certain death, ease birth, fight disease, feed and clothe not only millions, but billions. These animals have learned to communicate, speak, sing, read, and write. From these certain systems, they have made themselves into humans, beyond an animal, and create and form beauty from the smallest thimble to grandest cathedrals.


Walden, by Henry David Thoreau

Walden, by Henry David Thoreau

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Your Calling

Your Calling

With over twenty years in recruitment industry, I’ve sat down with literally thousands of individuals and in one way or another chatted with them about their calling in life. I felt a bit like Morpheus in The Matrix handing Neo the red or blue pill. Which do you choose?

A calling whispers, calls you. It may surface in hobbies, interests, or dreams. 

As Joseph Campbell writes so expertly about “The Call” in The Hero with a Thousand Faces,

"Man in the world of action loses his centering in the principle of eternity if he is anxious for the outcomes of his deeds.”

Following your calling is about a process, never a goal, never an outcome. There may be goals and outcomes along the way, though a true calling leads you away from that. 

As an individual, you are the only "you" who has ever been or will be, there is no other you. You are the only chance for us to know you, and for this reason, it's imperative to follow your calling. If you ignore it, it dies—one of the greatest loss for all humanity. And for this reason you have the responsibility to be brave and follow your calling where it may lead you. 

At times in life, you may feel beaten down, exhausted, trapped, the fire has dwindled and gone out. But like Prometheus, you need to steal the fire from the gods. How do you  spark the fire again? 

First, keep it simple. Eat healthy, get enough sleep, take long walks: care of the body, the physical, the earth part of you. Like the seasons, you may have the winter, but have faith that once the ice melts, spring bursts through with new sprouts then into summer and the seasons run again. Start with where you're at, regardless of the season. Your season may be in full summer and the fire at the hottest blaze: go with that. It may die: go with that. 

Start with small steps. Write something in your commonplace book. If you want to play the flute, list the music store. Or listen to James Galway. Take a small action. 

If you want to write, start and note something down. Write three pages of junk. Maybe after editing, you'll find a sentence or two sparkles. Maybe. 

Or if you want to start a company, write down three easy steps and then take one. Maybe you write a LinkedIn article or create a logo or call a friend who may have started a company and can help. Maybe it turns out they want to invest in your idea. Maybe.

As the famous Scottish mountaineer, W.H. Murray famously wrote,

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!"

Short and Sweet #19: Selling your company

Short and Sweet #19: Selling your company

Years ago, I had a candidate with an offer at Morgan Stanley. Wonderful company, top tier investment bank, well known, great offer. But he went home and told his family about the offer, and actually his in-laws had never heard of Morgan Stanley. For that reason, he needed to say no thank you to the offer and went and took a Japanese company instead.

Short and Sweet #18: Social media in recruitment

Short and Sweet #18: Social media in recruitment

Today’s Short and Sweet hint is for you to use social media in your recruitment. So many SMEs are underutilizing tools that their hands and fingertips use anyway but not using consciously for recruitment for their company.