Last week, one of my clients sent me an email which they sent to 40 or 50 recruiters. Basically they were looking for a demand planner. It’s the same position they had opened last year. When I talked to the hiring manager about that, he said “Yeah, the talent acquisition person basically sends the that out to all the recruiters they work with in the hopes that they can pull in some resumes.” I said “Well do you have any resumes from last year?” And he told me “No, we didn’t have any resumes left over from last year.” He doesn’t know what happened to them after that search.
That was interesting to me o understand they were not saving the applicants and the resumes that they could’ve been saving from the search that they did the year before.
So today’s tip: if you’Re hiring more than 5 positions in a year, or you’re recruiting for the same position over and over, get a database. Get a database which collects the resumes, the contact information, and the conversations and the notes that you had with the people that you’ve met and spoken to about the position. This one tip will save you millions of yen in recruitment fees. Because if you’Re receiving good candidates that you might not be able to use now but you can use in the future, this will save you a lot of money in recruitment fees, a lot of time wasted in trying to collect resumes when you need to hire for the position right away. So, today’s tip, get a database, so that you can save and collect information.