Commonplace Book
Commonplace Book
Straight out of Sweet Success! The Barefoot Lunch Commonplace. A Commonplace Book originates from the categorizing and taking down of notes from what one reads—capturing quotes, images, and ideas. In contrast to a chronological journal or diary, a commonplace book is categorical. John Locke wrote a book on how to keep a commonplace book, and writers like John Milton and Virginia Woolf organized their thoughts into such notebooks. Sometimes commonplaces will contain quotes, recipes, measurements, recipes, formulas, pictures, and other interesting scraps of memorabilia. All these combine for me into a friendly Commonplace Book, or CB for short. A CB is a friendly, casual place to relax, to scribble, journal, record events, meditate, and connect to our future selves.
These notebooks are hardback, portable, and classic. These are perfect notebooks for your random, messy, and comfortable like an old pair of jeans, a warm sweater, or silk pajamas.
Just common. Just a commonplace for a common person, just as the stars are common. It is always good to remember that each star is a sun’s chance to shine, just as each common word and thought is a unique chance for us to capture and realize our life and share our thoughts. The point, though, is to take those common ideas, and then create a spectacular life with extraordinary works.