Hi! Welcome to Short and Sweet episode 8.
Today we’re going to cover the very hot topic of sustainability, which is something that FocusCore has been working on thank you to the efforts to Cian Boland and Simon Jelfs within our company. One of the things they have been presenting to us is a way that we can as a company be more sustainable, doing just little things that can hopefully help our environment. It’s a big topic globally, so FocusCore is trying to do their small part within the world.
Some of the simple things that we are doing is first we got some plants for our office. And taking care of plants and just helping all of our employees realize the importance of green in their lives and in the world in a daily bases. And also because of that the oxygen created helps us breath better in the office.
Another thing you will notice when you walk in to our office is that often times the lights are off when the sun’s out. Just by keeping the light off or half of them off it just really helps to reduce power that we’re using.
We’re also very much trying to be a paperless company. For example we do not do paper invoices, we send everything out with electronic signatures. And in Japan that can sometimes be a real challenge for us.
We went out and bought some natural bags that we can use when we go to the store to buy snacks instead of getting plastic bags which we were bringing back many and we just didn’t need to.
So that’s just a few ideas of what we’re doing, along with Meat-free Mondays which is also a movement that is throughout the world, little bit less so in Japan but its something as an office we’re really trying to put forth.