
Everyone once has searched “quality of wanted worker”, “good candidate”, “asset of a successful worker”, or something close to that. The results for these searches are successful, although what search engines will suggest to you are list of qualities and mindsets such as these:

  • A person who can think on their own and act upon it.
  • Someone who knows their strengths and use them.
  • Succeeded in hitting target.
  • High communication skills.
  • Great leadership.
  • Able to speak a second/third language and/or understands foreign culture.
  • Good team player.
  • Aggressive in challenges.
  • Has creativity.

According to a research done by Mynavi, a Japanese recruiting company, the top 5 qualities companies look for in their workers are

  1. Aggressive
  2. Good communication skills
  3. Honest
  4. Diligent/Sincere
  5. Bright/Cheerful personality

Technical skills, active, creativity, independence follows. Obviously, these all are important qualities for a good candidate/worker, and wish to have for a better career. But that’s only half the answer you were searching for. What you want to know, or the next question is, “OK, I understand the needed elements. But what actually can I do to gain those qualities?”



< Why important? >

Aggressive in work, shows your brain functioning 120% in work. There is no question for this is a most wanted quality of a worker for a company. Aggressive people are more concentrated in their job, finds more joy and satisfactory in work then others, thus making them more productive. Yet, this need of aggressive workers does mean it is a difficult quality to gain or show.

< How to gain? >

There are several ways to become aggressive, and this one I am introducing is only one of them. Aggressive passion comes most when one is doing something they like. This will differ by people: one might enjoy getting out of the office making sales, while others prefer to update their database in front of a computer screen. Be sure to know your strengths and likes, and work on that quick and accurate. Continue it, or even tell your manager about it, so he/she can know what you are good at. Managers always seek for the best of the job. If they know what you are best at, similar duties might come to you. That could be a great motivation for work. If you have a hard time finding what you like in your job, it might be time to consider changing it.

< In interview >

Showing you are aggressive in the job is not as difficult, but this means everyone is doing it. To make a difference, one effective way you can show your passion is by telling how much you can contribute to the company. Give them numbers and details with your experience and skills. If you are new to the industry, say so, and don’t fear to be wrong. The point is to show you’re thinking like a worker already, even you haven’t joined the company.



< Why important? >

Who can say this element is not important? Communication skills come in handy in almost any occasion. We are, even as a business person, constantly communicating with others; coworkers, managers, partners, clients, customers, etc. Still, the reason this asset came in second place in Mynavi’s research, is some jobs like programmers need less communication skills then others, such as call centers and sales people.

< How to gain? >

Usually, communication skills are learned naturally: from family members, in school, through a part time job, and in the business world. Some may say they feel comfortable communicating with well-known friends and family then strangers. As for now, I will show a way to communicate with strangers.

First contact may come in written form, but most of your communication comes in a verbal form. You always should be careful to keep a good rhythm to the conversation, not talking too much, and make the conversation confortable for both of you. For those who are not good at speaking, try listening. People like to talk about themselves rather then listen to others, so you let them talk. Don’t forget to nod and show expressions, say things like “uh-huh” “right” “tell me more” “I understand” during his/her talk to show you are actively listening. A good listener is also a good communicator.

< In interview >

In an interview, your communication skills are constantly checked. Keep calm, stay relaxed, have confidence when you talk. This is acquired by preparation and practice. Recruitment firms, including FocusCore, has specialists to coach you with this, so sign up free if you are not confident with your interview.



< Why important? >

Small and medium size companies pay more concern rather then large companies on this issue. This means honesty in this case is not about “obedient” but “fit the culture” (all companies want obedient workers). This also might be a Japanese idea, but fitting with company culture makes peace in the company, thus leading to less trouble and more productivity. Not endurance, but to play in their way and cope with what is already there makes focus on business, especially when one comes in from the outside of the company. Global companies do look for outgoing and active people that change the company in a good way, but honesty still must take place in a way of understanding your own weaknesses and admitting mistakes.

< How to gain? >

One simple thing you can do is not to fight back on what you are pointed out. Instead, accept their opinion. Take in consideration of another opinion, state your idea but don’t argue about it, and find a point where both of you can respect each other. If talking involves some violent words or action, do it by mail. Never reject right at the beginning, but that does not mean you should say yes to everything. Show understanding to what they say

< In interview >

Honesty is very difficult to show in interviews. Some might say it’s important, since everyone wants to show how reliable and honest they are to their interviewers. Don’t worry too much about showing your honesty, but if you want to appeal this asset more, ask for a referral from a friend, coworker or your boss. Obvious, but don’t lie about this, or exaggerate about it. They will be caught. Be honest about yourself.


Diligent, Sincere

< Why important? >

Some factors overlap with honesty, but being diligent or sincere means more focused, trustworthy upon the work and results you bring to the company.

The importance of this element is clear and easy to explain; no one wants to work with an unreliable person. Laziness not only results to a lack of productivity, but it also spreads like a virus. Even looking at one lazy person in the office could trigger an emotion of frustration, or make you feel stressed by the work amount and productivity difference yet that person receiving the same salary as you. Diligence is a vaccine for this problem. Keep your good work, which makes your work place better.

< How to gain? >

This asset more is grown than gained. A complement of your seriousness towards work will make you more diligent and sincere. In order to achieve this, create a time where you will do nothing but work. An hour till lunch, before the end of the day, 100% work without even a coffee break in between. Focus, show you are working hard, and gain that confidence of your diligent self. Someone will see your hard working style and treat you as. This also can result in training your focus. As you work this out, your focus will extend 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes even without you noticing.

< In interview >

In an interview, you can tell your diligence, or seriousness through interview preparation. When one is strongly focused, one will prepare well. Interviewers are capable to see if you have prepared or not. To make them think you are well prepared, simply tells them you are diligent.


Bright/Cheerful personality

< Why important? >

Let’s say you have 2 candidates in front of you. They both are very aggressive in their work, have different but high communication skills, honest in work and learn not just quick but without mistake since they are focused. Candidate A has a positive attitude, while candidate B is not as. Which do you want to work with? Well, most people will perhaps say candidate A. A classmate like candidate A I believe had more friends in school. Brightness lights up and entertains the community by it self. This is no different in the office, and in a better atmosphere everyone will work better.

< How to gain >

Cheerful people tend to feel happier then those who are not as bright. You can Google how to be happy, and the all-mighty search engine will give you numerous answers, but the key is to do what you find fun, happy, and likeable. If that’s resting, rest. If that’s singing, sing. Be happy with yourself. With out satisfaction in yourself, it is difficult to act bright or cheerful, or even do nice things to others. This means, happiness can make you do those things naturally.

< In interview >

Brightness comes in first impression. Smile, and say hi with a confident and optimistic voice. The first image you give to people will stay even after you leave. When you are not as a bright person and want to do this, imagine yourself acting out a character. Don’t lie about it, but create an alternate you that help you communicate and give a good impression to others.