Sweet Sales


Sweet Sales

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Some sales programs drape a shroud around sales success as if a guarded secret; others set out strict rules and steps without regard to context and expertise. But in reality, making the sale is much simpler.

In his new book, Sweet Sales, author David K. Sweet, Ph.D., presents powerful selling techniques, rarely seen or spoken in sales training. The book uses an organic approach forged out of necessity during the most recent economic recession. Throughout the toughest selling climate in many years, David studied the processes of companies that survived the collapse and even nourished. His research unlocked the concepts for this book.

Unlike other training books, this one will show you how to improve, then how to practice. Only through practice will you master any technique or strategy. Following the author’s guiding principles will make a rookie into a professional and a professional into world class.

To start making sweet sales, read this book today! 

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